Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ford gives American Idol finalists Escape Hybrids

While we were a bit surprised to see David Cook beat out David Archulata on last night's finale of American Idol, it was the contestants themselves who looked taken aback when they were handed the keys to brand new Ford Escape Hybrids in matching light green. Not that they should have been surprised by the gift, as Ford has done similar giveaways since it started promoting so heavily on American Idol a few years back and announced the prize earlier this year. The matching hybrids were awaiting the pair of Davids on a green carpet outside the arena.

When we were granted the opportunity to test out the next-generation Escape Hybrid, due for the '09 model year, we found it improved in pretty much every meaningful way. Still, having had the current-generation Escape hybrid, like the ones handed to the Davids, in our garage a little while back and finding it to be a pretty nice machine, we know that the two AI finalists will enjoy their new rides.