Thursday, May 29, 2008

Pivo 2 comes to the UK this weekend

If the scale model at the Science Museum in London wasn't enough for you, you can get a life-size view of the Nissan Pivo 2 in the UK this weekend (and continuing through June 1). This quirky, all-electric vehicle first crossed our screens at last year's Tokyo Motor Show and you might remember that the unique rotating cab design means there is no reverse gear on the lithium-ion battery-powered car. The Pivo 2 will be part of the Science of Survival exhibit at the Science Museum. We're not sure how the Pivo 2 will be displayed, but Nissan's announcement says the UK public will get "to see the Pivo in action." Whee, rotating cab moves for everyone! Alongside the Pivo 2 will be the Toilet-lid Sink, the Q-drum, and the Eglu Chicken House, so we can see the fantastic sustainable future we're moving toward.